Many people experience lower back pain. This is something we successfully treat at Berardis Family Chiropractic regularly. Lower back pain is typically caused by pressure on the nerves, irritation to the nervous system, or subluxations (misalignments) to the vertebrae in the lower back.
Your nervous system runs from the brain down inside the spinal cord canal. Nerves exit openings in the spine known as the intervertebral foramen. From there, the nerves branch out throughout the body and control every function of the body, including muscles and organs. About 10% of the nerves can feel pain. When you feel pain it is your body letting you know something is wrong and needs to be corrected.
Causes of Lower Back Pain
- Sitting all the time
- Subluxations (misalignments to the spine)
- Working at a computer many hours a day
- Herniated Disc
- Poor posture over time
- Doing a lot of lifting, and improper lifting
- Pregnancy
- Past injuries and accident trauma
- Sports-related injuries
- Osteoarthritis
- Disc Degeneration
- Stress: Physical, Mental, or Chemical
- More
There are many potential causes of lower back pain, some of which may have been problems that developed over a period of time that you were not initially aware of since only 10% of your nerves can feel pain. It is important to seek professional chiropractic treatment to find and correct the cause of your pain. When you ignore problems they continue to get worse. Taking medications for the pain does not correct the problem, it just hides it temporarily. Sometimes the problem can progress to the point where you need surgery.
Lower back pain will often affect the sciatic nerve. When this happens, you can experience any combination of pain in your lower back, pain running down your legs, numbness and tingling, and even tingling in your toes. This is possible because the sciatic nerve starts in your lower back and runs all the way down into your toes. Read our article on Sciatica.
Chiropractic Care for Lower Back Pain
Dr. Mike Berardis is experienced in treating lower back pain. He works to find the underlying source of your pain, correct the problem, and restore normal function. Chiropractic care uses gentle adjustments to relieve the pressure on your nerves, remove any subluxations, and bring relief from pain. At Berardis Family Chiropractic we have the ability to take digital X-rays when needed.
Contact Berardis Family Chiropractic if you’re experiencing any lower back pain. Call (914) 962-1234 to arrange an appointment with Dr. Mike Berardis. You can also contact us using our appointment form. If you found this information on lower back pain beneficial, please recommend it to your family and friends.